For those who plan to or have already undergone vaginoplasty, you may know that regular douching after the procedure is necessary to keep the area clean and help encourage proper healing. Some providers may encourage the use of a saline solution to start with during the healing period. This 1000 ml container is filled with a normal (0.9%) and safe saline for douching, to help supplement aftercare.
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This product is recommended by Dr. Laura Meihofer, a licensed Physical Therapist, athletic trainer and yoga instructor specalizing in pelvic floor therapy.
Sometime after a vaginoplasty procedure, your nurse or provider will help show you how to begin douching. In addition to regular dilation, douching will be an aftercare activity to help encourage proper healing of the neo genitals. A douching device helps gently squirt a solution or water into the front hole for cleansing. During the healing period, one may experience discharge as a result from buildup of sebum, dead skin, keratin debris, or lubricant. Cleansing of this buildup is important to keep the genitals healthy and clean for proper healing.
Douching needs can vary from person to person, and you should always follow your doctor’s recommendations. For some, during the first two months of healing you can expect to douche twice per day after your first and last dilations of the day. After the first two months, you may expect to douche twice a day or less depending on your personal experience with discharge.
This saline solution is a safe liquid to use for douching as instructed by your doctor. It comes in a 1000 ml size, and is a normal saline solution of 0.9%. This normal saline for douching will help flush out the area and help prevent the overgrowth of bacteria. It also helps keep the area clean after performing dilation, which will usually require the use of lubricant. Failing to properly perform aftercare of the neo genitals can result in unideal symptoms, such as an accumulation of build up, possible inflammation, more abundant discharge, and risk of infection. After using a saline for douching in the beginning stages of healing, your doctor may instruct you to change to water over time as your healing progresses.