endometriosis pain

Treating Endometriosis Pain with a TENS Unit

My name is Dr. Laura Meihofer and I am a Physical Therapist, yoga instructor, and athlete trainer specializing in the pelvic floor. I help individuals suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction, including endometriosis pain, find optimal health through knowledge and movement.  Today we are going to talk about how to kick pain from endometriosis pain to the curb without medication.

How to Treat Endometriosis Pain with a TENS Device

1 in 10 people suffer from Endometriosis pain. This condition causes the inner lining of the uterus to live in other places of your body such as your intestines, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or basically, anywhere that is not inside the uterus. As you naturally cycle, this tissue thickens and sloughs just like it would inside the uterus. As the blood touches other organs, it causes inflammation, irritation, pain, spasm, and in some cases scar tissue which restricts normal movement within the abdominal cavity.

One of the biggest complaints of those diagnosed with endometriosis is pain. This endometriosis pain can be minimal, and feel like your standard cramps, or it can be so severe it inhibits your ability to participate in life.

That is why I LOVE showing clients how to use Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation or TENS for short. The device I recommend is affordable and customizable. And, even better, this treatment tool for endometriosis pain is a 100% drug-free option that allows you to decrease or even eliminate your pain. Check out this video today to get the low down on how TENS can help you!

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TENS 7000 2nd Edition Digital TENS Unit For Pelvic Pain Relief

TENS 7000 2nd Edition

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Syrtenty TENS Unit Pads

Working with a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

When approaching any pelvic health issue, I strongly recommend that you find a physical therapist that is right for you before you attempt self-treatment so that you do not make issues worse (perhaps by doing Kegel exercises that can only exacerbate your tension symptoms).

If you’re having trouble treating pelvic pain on your own, need help getting a diagnosis, or creating an effective treatment plan, find a pelvic floor physical therapist.

Want to work with me, Dr. Laura Meihofer? Book a FREE 20-minute consultation with me to discuss your unique situation.

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