Detect Symptoms of Pelvic Cancer with a Simple Pelvic Examination
Detecting symptoms of pelvic cancer is extremely important and really easy. This issue can be scary to consider. More often than not, my clients and their providers shy away from the much-needed preventative steps that can stop symptoms of pelvic cancer in their tracks.
However, it’s incredibly important that you start as early as you can to watch for symptoms and take action if you notice them. You should always prioritize your personal health, and advocate for yourself when necessary!
Symptoms of Pelvic Cancer
Did you know that there are 9 Cancers That Can Affect Your Pelvic Floor? And while a healthcare provider can ascertain a great deal from your medical history, there are just some things that you have to get eyes on to really determine if anything serious is happening.
Look through the link provided to learn about the different types of pelvic cancers. In general, you’ll want to keep an eye out for abnormalities. If you have any sort of pain, difficulty performing normal functions (such as relieving oneself), development of lumps or discomfort (such as heaviness) in the genital area, pain with sex, etc., you’ll want to speak with your doctor. Symptoms of pelvic cancer are not limited to only these symptoms of course, but the main idea is to watch out for anything that doesn’t seem normal for your body and personal health.
It’s not a good idea to talk yourself out of seeing a professional about your symptoms. Allowing symptoms to persist on their own can lead to worsening of potential issues. In order to maintain an enjoyable quality of life and healthy lifestyle, be sure to consult your doctor with any concerns you may have!
In the YouTube video above, I highlight exactly what you should be getting as part of your pelvic exam and how each step is screening for a certain type of cancer. Symptoms of pelvic cancer differ by type, but your healthcare professional will know what to look for!
While healthcare professionals mean well, more and more they are being pressed for time and as a result, you are getting shorter and shorter visits. Take the time now to educate yourself on early cancer detection and take the necessary steps to keep yourself healthy.
Remember, it’s very important to advocate for yourself during your health journey. You need to be able to be prepared and know what to expect so that you can receive the care you deserve.
If you find being evaluated for symptoms of pelvic cancer is scary, painful or something you are unable to tolerate, please know that a pelvic floor physical therapist can help you get through this process.
As mentioned before, finding the right health professional for you may take some self-advocating and research, but never give up! You and your personal health deserve proper care and attention.
Every individual deserves care that is comfortable and catered to their needs. By reading this blog and watching the provided Youtube video, I hope you have more confidence in reaching out to a healthcare professional and have a better understanding of what to expect during a pelvic exam!
Whether you are local in Minnesota or somewhere else, please reach out through my connect page or sign up for a consultation today on my services page; I would be so happy to answer any questions or just chat!
If you have any questions about symptoms of pelvic cancer or pelvic health in general, you can book a FREE 20-minute consultation HERE.
Or, if you’d like to learn more about all things pelvic floor health, head over to Instagram! You can always reach out in the DM’s if you have any questions!
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