Additional information about Dr. Laura Meihofer’s practice

Frequently Asked Questions

vagina owner holding pelvic floor anatomy model

Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) about Dr. Laura Meihofer’s pelvic floor therapy practice below.


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Dr. Laura Meihofer is available to the professional community for mentoring, consulting, speaking engagements, interviews, collaborations and brand partnerships.

Where does Laura practice?

Dr. Laura has two locations available for in-person and telehealth physical therapy. One location is in Rochester Minnesota and the other location is in Minneapolis Minnesota. She offers remote consultations to patients outside of Minnesota. To find out if Dr. Laura can help you, schedule your first session now.

When does Laura take appointments?

Office Hours

Rochester Location
M, W, F 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Central Time
T, Th 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm Central Time
Saturday Appointments Upon Request

Minneapolis Location
Every other week
Th 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Fr 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sat 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Can I make an appointment if I don't live in Minnesota?

Yes! It can be difficult to find an experienced pelvic floor physical therapist in your area. Dr. Laura offers remote consultations and intensive out-of-town programs for those who live out of state. Start your journey today by scheduling a consultation.

Do you take my insurance?

Dr. Laura Meihofer does not accept insurance. Her practice is out of network (OON) for all insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid. You are responsible for full payment at the time of services. Documentation for out-of-network insurance benefits will be provided in the form of a Superbill upon request. Learn more about out-of-network providers here. If you would like to view a list of helpful documents I have put together you can view them here.

Are you cash based?

Yes- Dr. Laura Meihofer’s practice is Fee for Service. Full payment is due at the time of service. She accepts major credit cards including eligible HSA/FSA cards. An itemized superbill can be provided upon request to submit to your insurance company. Every insurance company’s coverage is different. Be sure to answer all coverage questions with your insurance company in advance.

What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine is physical therapy completed through a HIPAA compliant/confidential video call. You must have a strong internet connection and device with camera and microphone to connect. This allows you to receive treatment from the comfort of your own home!

What is the cancellation policy?

There is a 24 hour cancellation policy.  You will be charged the full fee or value for appointments missed or cancelled less than 24 hours in advance. If you are late for a session, you may lose some of that session time.

Who does Laura treat?

Dr. Laura treats female, male, transgender, and gender non-conforming adults (18+). In-office and virtual appointments are available. Dr. Laura can and has successfully treated individuals under 18 and is willing to do this. Please reach out via her contact form if you have further questions.

Do I need a referral?

The state of Minnesota allows patients to visit a provider for up to 90 days prior to requiring a referral for physical therapy treatment. Patients do not need a referral for wellness services, however, it is recommended you ask your insurance company how wellness services are covered in advance to avoid surprises.

How long are the sessions?

In-person initial consultation: 45 minutes
Telehealth initial consultation: 45 minutes
All follow-ups: 45 minutes

What does out of network (OON) mean?

Out of network means the provider does not have any contracts with insurance companies. This comes with key benefits. Out of network providers are not limited to stipulations including number of visits, what type of treatment you receive, which provider you see, length of treatment process, etc. You and your provider determine the amount of care needed to reclaim a healthy quality of life. Learn more about out-of-network providers here.

Why do I need to give credit card information to confirm my appointment?

You will be asked for credit card information to confirm your initial appointment. This is to ensure that your spot is saved and to respect the time of other clients who want to see Dr. Laura. You are welcome to reschedule or cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance without penalty. If you are a no-show or cancel your appointment within 24 hours of the appointment, you will be charged the full fee of the appointment.

How do you become a good pelvic floor physical therapist?

Mentoring is key. Pelvic floor dysfunction is very complex. Laura has completed years of on-the-job training and specialized education to master this area. The complexity of the pelvic floor shouldn’t discourage people interested in learning more! Laura offers one-on-one mentoring programs for professional interested in taking their services to the next level.